Delicious & Healthy Beverages To Radiant Skin

radiant skin

The best beverage for radiant skin is water. There is nothing like drinking enough water to your skin. No matter how much you send on the expensive salon treatments, beauty products if your skin has not got enough hydrates it will badly happen to your skin.

For some people (including me) drinking a lot of water is really hard or it is boring. So for me, I usually prepare various beverages using natural ingredients that really good for overall health. So I thought I might share my secret yummy & healthy beverage recipes with you guys to get radiant skin like never before.

Beverages For Radiant Skin

Mint and ginger tea

Mint has cooling power and it provides freshness while ginger has amazing healing power. When these two ingredients combined it will give you radiant skin like never before.

Ingredients: two glass of boiled water, 4 green tea bags, chopped fresh mint leaves, chopped fresh ginger.

Mix all the ingredients, allow to the concoction to steam about half an hour, add lemon juice. You can make this drink hot or cool way if you want it to be cool refrigerate until chill.

Orange Ginger Shake

Did you know that vitamin C has a superpower for making radiant skin? Well, it does. Vitamin C is an important vitamin to treat your health of the hair and skin.  If you are including enough vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C to your meal, there is no problem. If not try to make these C rich drinks to make a super radiant skin.

Orange mainly has vitamin c, so this orange ginger shake is great for your skin glowing.

Ingredients: 2 ORANGES, 1 CARROT, half spoon of turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon of ginger crust, 1/2 tablespoon of lemon

Preparation: Make juice from orange and carrot separately. Pour juice to the blender, add turmeric and ginger. Blend the mixture and then add lemon juice. Finally strain and drink.

Fruity coconut water

Looking for a natural beverage without mixing anything up? Then you can have instead of water? Then the other option you have is coconut water. Coconut water will give you a great refreshment with a soothing and relaxing feeling. Also, it makes your skin radiant and acts as a cure to sunburn.

For this fruity coconut water, you can add any fruit you like. I usually add pineapple, bananas, and mango. Cut all the fruits, blend all of’em and strain to a cup. You can also add honey, lime juice and ice to it.

Berry smoothie

Radiant skin secrets
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Seasonal berry smoothy is not just delicious it’s also beneficial for making a radiant skin.

Find all the berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Add all the fruits to a blender, and add one tablespoon of fresh milk and one tablespoon of honey. Blend all the ingredients until smooth, then refrigerate the mixture and after chilling it, you can drink.










DIY Natural Beauty Tips You Never Heard Before

Natural Beauty Tips

I am so excited to share my DIY natural beauty tips with you guys, and most of these tips you may not even hear before. These are super easy to do and it won’t cost your time or money.

Rather than using expensive chemical products, it’s better to use natural ingredients. It helps you to save your money, time and importantly your health. Woola! That’s a tip too…

DIY Natural Beauty Tips To Follow

Exercise regularly – Regular exercises help to keep your dream body you wanted and by sweating it helps to open up pores and flush out toxins.

Drink more water – Hydration is a key to maintain a youthful, young, radiant skin. And if you are not into too much water then make some healthy beverages like lime and ginger shake, cucumber shake and add every healthy stuff into it. And you can also keep an alarm that reminds you to drink water at least a bit.

Intake more fiber – Fiber is the golden gate to keep your weight low and metabolism high.

Travel with care – Traveling is important, you cannot resist traveling. Bring a hat, sunscreen, umbrella, raincoat every time you travel. And try to wear a scarf.

Say no to Stress – Aging, acne, hair fall, and many beauty issues directly c… to your mental health and stress level. Getting beauty sleep, regular exercise, meditation, are important to relieve stress level.

Never skip sunscreen – There are many reasons to use sunscreen and that is not only for your beauty but also for the health as well. It helps to prevent your skin from sunburn, premature aging, decrease cancer possibilities, and other skin problems. Choose a sunscreen with high SPF  so your skin will be protected.

DIY natural beauty tips
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Remove your all makeup before bed

Your worst enemy will be sleeping with makeup. it leads to skin darkness, dullness, premature aging, clogged pores. Just removing your makeup is not enough but after removing cleansing and toning is important.

Hands before face –  Always remember to wash hands before the face. Unless your unclean hands will transfer all the bacterias to face.

Eye cream is important – your eye areas are the first sign of showing aging. Therefor use a good eye cream before you are too late.

Do not pick acne to treat them. If you can’t help with that avoid touching face too often.

You may have tried some of these DIY Natural Beauty Tips. It’s time for you to some serious consideration about your hair, face, skin, and health. Here I have mentioned many areas that you should consider as soon as possible. Hope you will follow these tips with your everyday routine. If you have any problem regarding this matter let us know in the comment section.



How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

remove Blackheads Naturally

Small, black or reddish bumps on your face consider as a blackhead. Don’t worry, Blackheads are a common sight of all of us. We all hate blackheads but there are natural methods to remove them. Since blackheads are a headache to you, here we are sharing tips to remove blackheads naturally. 

These tips will help to get rid of blackheads quickly and treat acne.

How Does Blackheads Happen?

Blackheads happen when your pores have dead skin cells and oil. Oil becomes black when oxygen exposure to the skin. Blackheads are annoying that’s why we need to remove them. If you have more blackheads than usual go and see a dermatologist before they become pimples.

Remember: Do not squeeze blackheads unless you need inflamed skin.

Important Tips

Home remedies are effective and harmless, but you need to use those carefully. Nothing can ever work if you are just doing it without considering. Be patient. Be careful with natural scrubs not to scrub your face excessively. Too much scrub will lead to removing natural oils from the skin, damaged skin, redness, and scars.

How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

You may have tried those expensive blackhead remover mask, but sometimes it doesn’t work, right? So applying natural ingredient for remove blackheads is not the advantage you get these natural ingredients will help to remove acne, dark spots on face. And importantly, these remedies will prevent blackheads from recurring.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties which help to kill bacterias. This help to clean the pores on face. Important: Don’t use tea tree oil if you have sensitive skin, there are other options.

Egg White

The egg is a gift from nature when you use natural remedies to your daily beauty routine. Eggs help to hair growth, skin slowness, prevent hair damage, acne and now it removes acne.

This egg mask not only remove blackheads but it prevents blackheads by tightening pores.

Mix 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask on your face leave it until dry and wash it with lukewarm water. For best results repeat this twice a week. This egg mask is more suitable for oily and combination skin.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is another great source for remove blackheads naturally. Other benefits that aloe vera has, it controls excess oil, cleansing pores and soothes your skin.

For this use natural aloe vera. Extract fresh aloe gel from the leaf and then apply it all over your face. After 10 minutes you can wash it with lukewarm water. It is good if you can repeat this process every day.


Tomato has a strong antioxidant effect which helps to all the damages on face. And the antibacterial properties that tomato has will help remove blackheads naturally.

Apply mashed tomato on your face. For best results leave it overnight and wash it in the morning.

Active Charcoal

Active charcoal absorbs all the dirt, excess oil and other bacteria from your face and clear blackheads quickly. Remove active charcoal carefully from the capsule, add ½ teaspoon bentonite clay and water. Apply it all over face and let to dry. And then rinse with warm water. This mask works best on oily skin and acne-prone skin.

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Natural Skin Care Tips For Radiant Skin

natural skin care tips
Sources – Google

Even if we all hope for glowing, clear skin with our busy lifestyle, it is challenging to maintain a good skincare routine. But don’t worry because there is always an option and with a little patient you can get what you wish for. In this blog, we are education you from simple living tweaks to DIY natural beauty treatments.  So have a look at natural skin care tips for radiant skin.

You may not give much attention to your skin like you give it to your face or hair. But your skin is important too. You may have to little time or maybe you are just ignoring your skin, but from now on I hope you will give little attention to your skin as well.

I know we all don’t have those complicated skincare routines that’s why I made this simple and clear. Here we are giving you super simple and natural skincare tips to make your life better.

Natural Skin Care Tips

Jojoba Oil

Use Jojoba oil tas a moisturizer to your skin. Jojoba oil is very similar to skin ‘s natural sebum oil. It helps to remove makeup and also it works as an anti-inflammatory.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is super helpful when cleansing your skin. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help to cleanse skin without stripping. After removing your makeup take one tablespoon of raw honey and massage it on your face, rinse after ten minutes.

Rose Water

How much does rose water cost? Probably a half a dollar. Then why would you spend thousands of dollars on face mists? Rosewater has rejuvenated and hydrates power which helps to refresh your makeup.


Another natural skincare tip is using turmeric. Turmeric has so many skin benefits and you can use it to treat acne, sunburn, reduce excess oils and more.

 coconut oil

Coconut oil may not be used for the face but it can use to another option. When shaving your legs use coconut oil and it will leave smooth and soft legs.


Another popular natural skin care tips for eyes. It is forever the best friend of your eyes. Cucumber is high in antioxidants to irritations.

Green tea

Green tea is a well-known natural skin care tips to use. It helps to protect skin from sunburn, preventing signs of premature aging and dark spots under your eyes.


You may already use lavender mixed toner, cream, shampoo and more. Lavender has anti-aging ingredients which help to have radiant skin without aging.


Tomato is the best natural treatment for your face. It will help to remove acne and dark spots on your face. Slide tomato into two-piece Apply one on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.


Papaya will help you to remove sunburns, the lesser appearance of pores and even make a better skin tone.

You cannot get a glowing, glowing skin just using expensive products but a healthy diet, regular exercise, sleep,  good mental health are important to the wellness of the skin. Following above natural skin care tips and other factors, you will get the radiant skin you’ve always wanted.